01275 833699

In the name of Jesus: Welcomed, Loved , Sent

Carpenters Food & Support

Truly I tell you, just as you did this to one of mine, you did it to me (Matthew 25:40)

All year round we need donations of anything a person may use from the time they get up to the time they go to bed.

These include:

  • Non perishable food (in date) eg tins, packets and cartons of meat, veg, fruit, milk.
  • Fresh food
  • Items such as toiletries, household cleaning products, pet food.

We also need;

  • Financial donations towards our running costs. These can be by BACS to                   

a/c: The Carpenters Food Store     a/c no: 45427160   Sort code:  30-94-83

  • New Referral Agencies to register with us.
  • Help to spread the word about us.
  • Your time and skills - become a volunteer with us!

Quotes from the people we have helped:

  • "We would not have survived without the foodbank."
  • "I feel more confident because of the support given, it was great knowing that someone was there for me."
  • "I was treated with great respect and kindness - thank you

About Us

Set up in 2012 by a group of local Churches to listen to those who are struggling to put food on the table and find out how we can support them to get back on their feet. We support them for as long as it, takes reviewing their situation each week.

  • We accept clients referred by statutory agencies, charities, churches and schools.
  • We do ask for evidence of the crisis where possible and run through their financial situation with them.
  • We provide enough food for the week per person in the household. 
  • We encourage them to contact useful agencies/charities they may not have heard of.
  • We go the extra mile! One client came saying he was going to have to turn down a job due to lack of affordable transport. Hey presto, he was delighted when we gave him a bike after making an appeal to our supporters.
  • We work with many others in this sector to improve the support provided for some of the most vulnerable people across Bristol and the surrounding areas. We hope that by working cooperatively and more strategically, we will be able to do even more to combat poverty in Bristol.

Churches, other groups and individuals from the community covering the areas of Withywood, Hartcliffe, Bishopsworth, Headley Park, Highridge, Bedminster, the Chew Valley and beyond all generously donate food, items and volunteers.

Pre-lockdown, we held supermarket collections, inviting customers, if they can afford it, to pop an item in our trolley. One of our ex-clients was delighted when she found a special offer on peas at 4p a tin and was able to donate it to help others! We hope to restart this soon as it also helps to raise the profile of the project in the local area.

So get in touch - and get involved. We would love you to join in.

Community Foodbank

Withywood Centre

Queens Road

BS13 8QA

0117 987 8400

Open every Wednesday

10am - 2pm

We have an

holistic approach

to helping anyone

in times of crisis

(whether employed or not).

We look for

the best way forward

with each individual.

Referral Vouchers

are issued by

statutory agencies

and local charities.

To register as a Referral Agency contact us



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