01275 833699

In the name of Jesus: Welcomed, Loved , Sent

I Am New Or Coming Back

"YOU are such a gift, a precious treasure, a human being who God loves and cares for."   Pope Francis

In the name of Jesus: Welcomed, Loved, Sent

Whether you are new to our parishes, or coming back for the first time in a while, you are most welcome!


We would like to keep you up to date with different things that are going on in the parish by occasional emails or text messages. To this end, it would be useful to have your details on our database. Please fill out the following form, which should take less than a minute making sure to choose the correct parish.

Please fill out a separate form for each member of your household.

One of our Welcoming Team will contact you for a chat.

Connect With Us

Information provided on this form, together will all other personal data held by our parishes , is processed in accordance with Clifton Diocese’s Privacy Notice, which is available by clicking here.

We will email you an invitation with instructions for downloading the ChurchSuite App. This allows you to access and update your own records as well as receiving our communications and calendar.

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